Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy
What conditions do we use it on?
• Osteoarthritis, joint pain and hip dysplasia
• Muscle and ligament damage
• Post-surgical pain and wound healing
• Post orthopaedic surgical recovery
• Ear disease
• Working and agility dogs after extended exercise periods or to aid healing post strains and sprains
What is Laser therapy?
Laser therapy delivers specific infrared wavelengths of laser
light to induce a therapeutic effect within the body.
This is achieved by increasing circulation to the affected areas,
decreasing swelling and inflammation, helping to repair
damaged tissue and reducing pain
Why should I try Laser for my pet?
Laser is a relatively inexpensive, non-invasive treatment for a range of conditions. Most patients actively enjoy undergoing laser treatment.
Laser can be used in conjunction with other medications such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and skin treatments

Is Laser therapy painful?
There is little or no sensation during treatment. Some patients will feel a soothing warmth and mild tingling.
Is Laser therapy covered under pet insurance?
Most major insurance companies cover laser therapy. We are happy to check your policy documents with you, or send in a treatment pro forma, to make sure you are covered.
How long after treatment will I see results?
This is very much dependant on the individual patient and the condition we are treating. Some will see instant results and others will take a number of treatments. This will be closely monitored by our vets and nurses to ensure that your pet gets the best possible care.
Can I try to see if my pet likes it?
We are always happy to undertake a free trial of laser once you have been referred by a Veterinary Surgeon – please ask one of our nursing team, call us on 01684 573333 or alternatively you can e-mail us on
Telephone 01684 573 333
Best Friends Veterinary Surgery, 154 Worcester Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 1AA